Bridal Beauty Bootcamp

The ultimate 6 step system to marketing, promoting, and growing

your bridal hair & make-up business




How to Grow your Clientele as a Bridal Hair and Makeup Artist and Starting Booking More Brides and
Increasing your Monthly Income


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Here's What You Get When You Join the Bootcamp

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Plus You'll Get These Amazing Bonuses:

Bonus #1 Bridal Contract Kit ($1500)

In this bonus Bridal Contract Kit I give you 3 different contract templates one for hair stylists, one for makeup artists, and one for salons.  You can edit them and add your own logos, terms and conditions. Having an attorney write these contracts for you could costs hundreds of dollars. You're going to get instant access when you sign up for BBB Bootcamp. You'll also get instant access to a downloadable model release form.

Bonus #2 Bridal Email Swipe Copy ($497)

When a bride contacts you your response back may be the biggest determining factor on if they book with you or not. In this email swipe copy you're going to literally be able to use the exact email response I send to all my brides. Use it, change it, add your own words whatever you want to do with it. Also, in this email swipe copy I give specific questions you must ask before giving out a single price quote.

Bonus #3 Wedding Day Hair & Makeup Schedule ($97)

On the wedding day things can get really hectic. Everyone is running around, nerves are shattered, tears are flowing,  jewelry gets misplaced. The last thing you need is to be the reason the wedding doesn’t start on time because of hair and make-up. It is imperative that you have a wedding day schedule. Essentially it is a timeline outlining what time each person in the bridal party is to get their hair and make-up done. This helps calm nerves and let’s everyone know where they should be and at what time. As a bonus you are going to get a wedding day schedule template to use as guide for scheduling your bride and bridal party. Brides are always so grateful for this schedule and on top of that it makes you look extremely organized and professional.

What You'll Learn in Each Step by Step Module:


Basics of Starting a Bridal Beauty Business

  • The first thing you must do to start your bridal beauty business
  • The importance of having a portfolio
  • How to get pictures for your portfolio
  • Finding hair and make-up models for photo shoots
  • The #1 thing you must have to protect yourself from lawsuits
  • Honing your skills as a hair and make-up artist
  • A list of professionals you need to connect with
  • Killer marketing strategies for booking brides
  • How to build your bridal hair and make-up portfolio when you have $0

Bridal Consultations 101 - The Cash is in the Consultation

  • How to stand out as a bridal hair and make-up artist
  • The MUST ask questions you must get answered before ever giving out a single price quote
  • The secret to up-selling
  • The most important person you need to get to know
  • Deposits, retainers and cancellation fees
  • The importance of working on all hair & skin types
  • How to book your bride and seal the deal

The bridal industry is BIG business. According to brides spend an average of $32,641 for their weddings.

One of the most important days in a woman's life is her wedding day. She wants to feel beautiful, look glamorous and feel like a queen.

And that is where you come in.  make-up-artist-1

Hair and Make-up artists play an integral role on a brides wedding day.

Let's face it if the hair and make up are not on point it can ruin their entire day.

Brides are aware of this which is why more and more brides are being extremely selective when choosing a hair and make up artist for their special day.

Bridal hair and make-up artist have the potential to significantly increase their monthly income but that's only for those who really want it and have the right tools and business structure.

In this virtual bootcamp I give you my 6 step system for marketing, promoting and growing your bridal business doing what you love and playing a major roll in giving your client the wedding of their dreams!

There has never been a better time to be to launch a business or grow your clientele. Blog Make-up and Hair Business

You don't have to be a specialist to start earning money, you just need to be willing.

Right now, in this moment, you can decide to change the path of your career and start making a different in peoples lives.

Click the button below to start your bridal beauty bootcamp now.

$497    $197

Brenda's work has been featured in and on:


Still Have Questions?

When does the course start and finish?

The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

How long do I have access to the course?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

I don't know anything about the bridal business will this bootcamp work for me?

Yes. If you are just getting started or a veteran in the beauty industry this bootcamp will break everything down in easy to follow steps.

How much money can I make? How much time does it take to see money come in?

I can’t predict how much money you will make and how fast.
I would be suspicious of anyone that promises you would make a specific amount of money fast.


Get Started Today - you know you want to!




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